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Enroll Your Student Today!
Only a parent or legal guardian may register a child in school. (A legal guardian must present documentation, such as custody granted by a court or accredited agency.) Several documents are required to register a child in Cincinnati Public Schools.
- For more information, please visit: Required Registration Documents
Online Registration and Enrollment
It's simple — and it's online!
Cincinnati Public Schools uses an online system to register students. The online system simplifies and streamlines the process of enrolling children in CPS. Parents, or legal guardians, first must register a child using the online system; after all required documents are uploaded, staff will finalize the registration and enroll the child.
Your child will be enrolled as quickly as possible. You will receive confirmation from CPS' Online Registration system when completed.
online registration form 2024-2025
For assistance with CPS Online Registration issues, call (513) 363-0390.
Questions for 2023-2024?
Questions for 2024-2025?
- Quick Guide to creating a Focus account: English, Español, Français, Arabic
- Quick Guide to linking a current student: English, Español, Français, Arabic
- Quick Guide to register a student not currently enrolled in CPS: English, Español, Français, Arabic
- Note Registering a student into FOCUS does not automatically enroll the student into CPS
In-Person Registration & Enrollment
To avoid incorrect student and parent/guardian information being entered, we prefer all registration and enrollment forms be submitted via our Online Student Registration system. We do understand not everybody has access to technology or a printer. You can download our enrollment forms, fill them out at home and bring them to your neighborhood school or visit our Customer Care Center. If you don't have a printer, please visit a neighborhood school or visit our Customer Care Center for assistance - we can help get your children registered!
Downloadable Paper form below (if online access is unavailable)
Student Registration Information Form
Customer Care Center - main hallway, first floor
- Cincinnati Public Schools
Mary A. Ronan Education Center
2651 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Neighborhood Elementary Schools
Neighborhood elementary schools are the foundation of Cincinnati Public Schools, serving as Community Learning Centers and neighborhood anchors, and are the main entry points for most students into elementary school. A child is assigned to a neighborhood school based on the child's home address. All students not enrolled in magnet programs are enrolled in neighborhood schools.
To apply to a neighborhood school that is not the child's assigned neighborhood school, see Board Policy No. 5120.
Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration for both magnet and neighborhood schools is handled only at three hub schools located around the Cincinnati Public School District. Visit our Preschool Registration page for more details.
Kindergarten Guidelines
Cincinnati Public Schools has a long history of offering all-day kindergarten in all elementary schools.
Children must be age 5 by September 30 to enter kindergarten. Ohio law requires that children attend kindergarten prior to entering first grade. Parents should follow the registration guidelines for Neighborhood Schools and Magnet School Enrollment.
Early Entrance to Kindergarten: Younger children who turn 5 between October 1 and December 31 may enter kindergarten only after passing a test that determines a child's readiness for school.
Students with birthdays after December 31 will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Procedures for Early Kindergarten Entrance Evaluation
Early Entrance Evaluation application packets are available at neighborhood elementary schools, or download the packet here (PDF — 4 pages). Proof of the child's birth and proof of the child’s home address must be provided with the packet.
The completed and signed Early Entrance Application packet and required documents should be returned to the district’s lead psychologist's office at CPS' Education Center, Department of Student Services, 2651 Burnet Ave., 45219 (or turn the packet in to the school's principal).
Information on testing for early kindergarten entrance: CPS' Student Services Department — (513) 363-0302
First Grade Guidelines
Children who turn six prior to September 30 should be enrolled in first grade for that year; children who turn six after September 30 will be enrolled for the following year.
Parents should follow the registration Guidelines for Neighborhood Schools and Magnet School Enrollment.
Early Entrance to First Grade
Early Entrance to first grade may be available for a child whose sixth birthday falls on or between October 1 and December 31 of the Early Entrance year. It also may be considered for a six-year-old child who has not had kindergarten experience by a request to the district's Pupil Personnel Services committee consisting of a school principal, school psychologist and a grade-level teacher.
Magnet Elementary Schools
Parents must apply via an online lottery for their child to enter a magnet school or program. Applications to magnet schools are made a school year ahead via an online lottery application process.
More on Magnet Elementary Application
Magnet Schools by Academic Program
High Schools
High School applications for grades 7, 8 and 9 are submitted online, and seats are awarded via lottery. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 apply in person at the high school of their choosing.
More on High School Application
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment allows students who live outside the boundaries of the Cincinnati Public School District — but in the state of Ohio — to enroll in CPS schools without paying tuition. Priority is always given to students who live within the CPS boundaries. Applications to the open-enrollment lottery are submitted May 1st-31st.
Students applying under Open Enrollment must meet any acceptance criteria required by a CPS school.
- For more information, please visit: Required Registration Documents