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Facilities Rental
Cincinnati Public Schools' buildings and grounds may be rented by the public for use outside of school hours.
CPS' new or fully renovated buildings are designed as Community Learning Centers (CLC) to help strengthen ties between Cincinnati Public Schools and its neighborhoods. As part of the CLC concept, the district makes its facilities available for rental before and after school, during evenings and on weekends.
Through partnerships, Cincinnati Public Schools are centers of activity, tailored to each community's individual needs for services, and recreational, educational and cultural opportunities. Whenever possible, new buildings are designed with community areas, such as libraries, computer labs, gyms, auditoriums and conference rooms, located away from classroom wings and close to parking lots and main entrances.
School facilities may be used by groups or organizations for any lawful purpose, as long as the use adheres to Board policies (7000 Property) for appropriate use and does not interfere with school operations.
Filming at CPS
Interested in using CPS' buildings or campuses for movies, TV shows, commercials and the like?
A signed CPS Location Agreement, with proof of liability insurance, is required before filming can take place inside CPS' buildings or on CPS' campuses. Contact CPS' Communications and Engagement Office before contacting schools: (513) 363-0020.
Rental Application
A rental application form must be submitted for permission to use CPS' property. Rental fees may be charged, and potential renters also must submit evidence of liability insurance — a Certificate of Insurance with a minimum of $1 million coverage.
To submit a Facilities Rental Application, please click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-ixI0HX_R6F6lJ2KfDB1ttxrqHaGeHPZlRLbp298inc/viewform?edit_requested=true
In addition, Cincinnati Public Schools may require:
- A security and safety plan, which must be submitted 30 days prior to the event.
- References and background checks, upon request.
Fees may be charged based on the type of organization requesting the rental, the type of space requested and the anticipated cost for CPS employees to be on site during the rental. A CPS Building Engineer must be on site for rentals during hours that a building normally is closed. Custodians may be required for set up and clean up for an event. If kitchen equipment will be used, a CPS Food Services employee must be on site.
Schools determine the final rental cost based on a fee schedule. All fees must be paid prior to the event.
To review the Rental Fee Schedule, please visit: https://www.cps-k12.org/Page/710
To review the CPS Facilities Use Permit, please visit: https://www.cps-k12.org/Page/709
For more information, please email: facperm@cps-k12.org