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School Policies
Included on this page are highlights from our policies and procedures. The Hartwell School 2019-2020 Family Handbook includes more details about each of these items.
Attendance Policies
As a reminder, our hours are:
School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Absence Procedures
To report an absent child, call the school office or email us using this Absence Reporting Form.Discipline
Review CPS' Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures.
Dress Code
New for 2021-22: School uniforms are no longer required. Parents and students can now shop at Hartwell's online spirit wear store.
Snow Days and School Delays
Snow days and school delays are announced on our website, local TV and radio stations, CPS' mobile app, and through automated phone calls. Assume school is open unless you hear otherwise. Learn more about CPS' severe weather and emergency closing procedures.
Visiting During School Hours
We welcome visits from parents and guardians. However, to protect student safety, all visitors must sign in at the main office and wear a visitor's badge. Parents/guardians who would like a conference with their child's teacher must schedule an appointment with the teacher.
Student/Parent Handbook
The Hartwell School Student/Parent Handbook details our policies and procedures.
Bus Safety
Student behavior that distracts bus drivers is a hazard to the vehicle's safe operation, and jeopardizes the safety and welfare of all passengers. Misbehavior while on a yellow school bus or a Metro bus can result in disciplinary action for the student or the suspension of transportation service for the student. Read more about our requirements for student behavior on buses.
Cell Phone Policy
In the Cincinnati Public Schools Code of Conduct, the policy towards electronic communication devices is as follows:
Electronic communication devices must be turned off during school hours. Cell phones or text messaging devices must not be seen or heard during the school day. All other electronic devices may be brought to school only with a specific teacher or administrator's permission. A Positive School Culture committee may choose to develop a more specific plan related to electronic devices.
The policy at Hartwell involving cell phones, CD players, video games, etc. is as follows:
We understand that in these busy times, many families want to have a means to communicate with their children after school. But, in order to preserve instructional time during the school day, cell phones are to be kept in a secure place.
Read more about our policy in the Student Handbook.